Greetings and welcome to my official cyber headquarters. Thank you for your interest in checking out my stuff. Here you will find virtually all of my music recordings, visual art and writing that I’ve deemed fit for sharing publicly. You will also find some live performance videos, as well as some short films, some of them produced by friends.
Some of you who encounter this website will already be aware that I have been in state prison for all of my adult life. More than a half century ago I committed a terrible crime, that of taking the life of another man. This crime became connected to subsequent dreadful crimes and tragic events, adding the complexity of political sensitivity to my personal situation.
In interviews for some film documentary and literary projects I have been forthright and forthcoming regarding the events that brought me to prison, and the associated events. When it comes to sharing my work in the arts with the world at large, however, I have made it my policy to refrain from doing so within a context that includes the criminal history, to the extent that may be possible. I have chosen this approach out of a deep desire for my work to be heard, seen, and experienced on its own merits, by virtue of its value as art.
If you like anything you find on this website, please share it with your friends. The website is not monetized at this time, so it won’t cost you a thing to listen to my music, to view or download my visual art, and read my writings and interviews. Feel free to enjoy.
© 2014 Bobby BeauSoleil and Beth Hall. All Rights Reserved. Images are copyrighted to their respective owners. Go to our Privacy Policy.